Last update: 09/14/2024

                     DEMOS FOR PC DOOM 1/ULTIMATE DOOM V1.9

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Click to jump to Doom 1/Ultimate Doom demo(s) for:

LEVEL E1M1: HANGAR (2 demos)
LEVEL E2M3: REFINERY (2 demos)
LEVEL E2M4: DEIMOS LAB (5 demos)
LEVEL E3M6: MT. EREBUS (5 demos)
LEVEL E3M9: WARRENS (4 demos)
EPISODE 4: THY FLESH CONSUMED (Ultimate Doom only)
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LEVEL E1M1: HANGAR (2 demos)
E1M1SEC.LMP: 00:32, Skill 4, no monsters
Notes: Shows how to access all "official" (score-affecting) Secrets.
Only the score-affecting sections of the map are visited here; any other hidden
areas are not shown.
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E1M1SWCH.LMP: 00:08, Skill 4, no monsters
Notes: Shows the one extra "unofficial" secret that was added to this map when
Doom 1 was absorbed into Ultimate Doom.  (A switch was added to a column in the
room just west of the map's entry point.  That switch opens a wall section to
the east of the entry point.)
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E1M2ARMR.LMP: 00:15, Skill 4, no monsters
Notes: Shows how you can, and why you can't, pick up the green 100% armor vest
that can be seen on a shelf across from the level's entry point.
In Classic Doom games, armor vests come in 2 types: Green, which provides 100%
armor (and absorbs one-third of incoming damage), and blue, providing 200% (and
absorbing half damage).
You can only take a green vest if your armor is currently below 100%, and only
take a blue vest if armor is below 200%.
If you got a vest (especially the blue one) on the previous level, then there's
a chance your armor is already 100% or more when entering this level.
In this demo the player enters the level with no armor, picks up one green vest
hidden nearby, then fails to grab the next green vest.  But after some damage
knocks the armor below 100%, the vest is taken.
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E1M2SAW.LMP: 00:43, Skill 4, no monsters
Notes: Shows how to access the chain saw.
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E1M2SEC.LMP: 01:13, Skill 4, no monsters
Notes: Shows how to access all "official" (score-affecting) Secrets.
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E1M3SEC.LMP: 01:25, Skill 4, no monsters
Notes: Shows how to access all "official" (score-affecting) Secrets, and both
keys on this level.
In the room where the yellow key is found, the low barriers that block access
to the wall panels will temporarily drop whenever an invisible "tripwire" is
crossed.  There's a tripwire in the stairway leading up to the room, and others
located a couple paces behind each panel.
Note that the yellow key isn't actually used in this demo, and is not needed to
reach an exit or to get a 100% Secrets-found score.  The key allows access to
an area in the southeast that holds some useful Items.  (Use the secret panel
seen at about 1:18 in this demo, and follow the path up the stairs.)
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E1M4EXIT.LMP: 00:24, Skill 4, no monsters
Notes: Shows how to acquire both keys and access the exit.
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E1M4SEC.LMP: 00:20, Skill 4, no monsters
Notes: Shows how to access all "official" (score-affecting) Secrets.  The last
Secret area shown here is a small platform where a Supercharge/Soul Sphere can
be found.  Note that this platform is accessed by an adjacent lift, controlled
by a switch that can only be used once.  When that switch is activated the lift
slowly rises, and cannot be lowered again.
If you didn't get onto the lift in time, you'll need to backtrack west through
the slime to another chamber at the middle of the south edge of the map.  Here
there is another lift (one that can be operated repeatedly) allowing you to get
back to the rest of the level.
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E1M4TRIK.LMP: 00:17, Skill 4, no monsters
Notes: Demonstrates a "trick" for accessing the exit in seconds, bypassing most
of the level.
This is accomplished by jumping onto a very narrow ledge that is recessed into
the walls of a rectangular slime pit, and leads around to the room where the
yellow key sits.  From there it's a short run to the exit.
The best way to jump over to the ledge is to use a simultaneous combination of
Run-forward plus Strafe-sideways.  This "strafe running" maneuver will move the
player at an odd angle, but yields a bit more speed than normal running.
During actual play it's easy to miss the jump and fall to the slime below... If
your health is low, you may want to save your game before attempting the jump.
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E1M4TRK2.LMP: 00:43, Skill 5
Notes: Similar to E1M4TRIK.LMP, above, but in Nightmare mode, with monsters.
Notes on the making of this demo: This time I take a more roundabout path, and
pick up some extra weapons and armor.
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E1M5SEC.LMP: 01:28, Skill 4, no monsters
Notes: Shows how to access all "official" (score-affecting) Secrets.
Other, "unofficial" secrets are not shown.  (Specifically: In the room where
the star-shaped teleporter is found, another wall panel can be opened to
provide passage to the square courtyard; And, in the middle of the dark room
just outside of the exit chamber is a curving barrier, and its center section
can be opened up like a door.  Also, a player can ride up on the twin columns
that drop down into the small acid pool near the radiation suit.  When the
columns rise high enough, you can jump across to platforms that hold a couple
of useful items.)
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E1M6KEYS.LMP: 01:11, Skill 4, no monsters
Notes: Shows one path for acquiring all 3 keys.
Notes on the making of this demo: When you step into the room where the red key
is found, the entrance will close behind you and remain shut for 30 seconds.
This makes for a long delay in the demo as I wait for it to open again.
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E1M6ALT.LMP: 00:58, Skill 4, no monsters
Notes: Similar to E1M6KEYS.LMP, above, but shows an alternate path to the
yellow key.
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E1M7SOUL.LMP: 00:32, Skill 4, no monsters
Notes: Shows how to acquire the "Supercharge"/Soul Sphere in the green slime.
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E1M7ALL.LMP: 02:46, Skill 4, no monsters
Notes: Shows one path that can be used to access all keys, all "official" Items
and Secret areas, and the exit.
Note that this demo focuses mainly on the score-affecting areas or objects; Any
other hidden places and/or useful items are generally bypassed here.
The score-affecting items on E1M7 are Health Bonuses, Armor Bonuses, a Computer
Area Map, a Soul Sphere and a Blur Artifact.
A commonly missed Armor Bonus (helmet) can be seen here at about the 1:10 mark.
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E1M7SAW.LMP: 00:54, Skill 4, no monsters
Notes: Shows how to access a hidden chain saw on this level.
It can be easy to overlook this weapon since it's well hidden, won't affect the
player's Items score (which is true for all weapons), and its location is not a
score-affecting Secret area.
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E1M8WIN1.LMP: 01:29, Skill 4
Notes: Shows common techniques for beating this level at Ultra-Violence skill.
(For more information on techniques for beating this level, click here.)
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E1M8WIN2.LMP: 01:38, Skill 2, fists only
Notes: Demonstrates that, with some luck and a lot of dodging practice, you can
beat the bigger enemies without using a single round of ammunition, and without
taking any damage yourself.
(For more information on techniques for beating this level, click here.)
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E1M8BACK.LMP: 01:40, Skill 1
Notes: Shows 3 methods for getting back to the rest of the level after beating
the monsters.
The first method demonstrated here involves catching a ride on the descending
walls of the pentagram.
The second method is a jump from the floor of the pentagram to the floor of the
hallway that led up to it.  This is not a simple jump and so is not recommended
as a first choice.
The third method is to activate a hidden switch that causes an elevator between
the pentagram and hallway to drop down.  You can get on the elevator before it
rises again, and step off when it gets part way up.
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E1M9ALL.LMP: 01:16, Skill 4, no monsters
Notes: Shows one path for accessing all the keys, all score-affecting Items and
Secrets, and the exit.  (For an alternative method of reaching the exit switch,
see the demo E1M9JUMP, below.)
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E1M9PEDS.LMP: 00:22, Deathmatch, Skill 4, no monsters
Notes: Shows an example of gathering all the objects from the pedestals in the
room in the northeast corner of the map.  To get to each pedestal you'll need
to Run (or Sprint as it's called in some versions) and it may help to back up a
little before each jump to get a slight running start.
If you save your game while standing on a pedestal, be sure you're centered on
the top before saving.  If you save when the player character is standing more
than 50% over an edge, there's a chance that when you reload the game you'll
drop to the floor below but remain partly embedded in the pedestal; And if you
can't break free from it, you may have to use cheat codes, or reload an earlier
save-game in order to proceed.
Notes on the making of this demo: I played in single-player Deathmatch mode to
allow me to start the game with all the keys.
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E1M9JUMP.LMP: 00:22, Deathmatch, Skill 4, no monsters
Notes: Shows that it's possible (though not always easy) to jump across the gap
that seems to block access to the exit switch on this level.  This can allow a
player to skip past a few monsters and a damaging floor.
In this demo the gap is crossed using two methods: First via standard Running,
which is not recommended, since it's quite easy to fall short and drop into the
corrosive below.
The gap is then crossed by Strafe-Running, using a simultaneous combination of
Run-forward and Strafe-sideways.  This technique moves the player character at
an odd angle, but at a slightly faster running speed.
Notes on the making of this demo: I played in single-player Deathmatch mode to
allow me to start the game with all the keys.
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D1SECX1.LMP: 00:48, Skill 4, no monsters
Notes: Reveals where and how to access the exit which leads to the secret level
in Episode 1.
(While the demo is running you can press the Tab key to see the current level's
number and name on the Automap screen.)
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E2M1ALL.LMP: 01:24, Skill 4, no monsters
Notes: Shows how to access all keys, and all "official" (score-affecting) Items
and Secrets.  In actual games, two of the secret areas also contain monsters in
addition to useful items.
Note that the pair of skull switches (seen at about 48 seconds here) can only
be activated once.  The left switch temporarily opens the wall that allows
access to the long, narrow tunnel which is the third secret area shown.  Once
that wall closes again, it cannot be re-opened from the outside.
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E2M2SEC.LMP: 02:25, Skill 4 -nomonsters
Notes: Shows a path that can be used to reach all "official" (score-affecting)
secret areas on this level.  Also shows how to reach all keys and the exit.
Note that this demo shows the standard/intended way to access the exit chamber,
but it is possible to reach the exit faster and without keys.  See the demos
E2M2TRIK and E2M2TRK2 directly below for examples.
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E2M2TRIK.LMP: 00:17, Skill 4
Notes: Demonstrates a "trick" for accessing the exit in seconds, bypassing most
of the level.
This works by activating a switch from one of its edges; an esoteric technique
that's used by some Doom veterans.
Here I try to provide a brief glimpse of the switch before activating it.
See also the E2M2TRK2 demo, below, for an alternative quick-exit route.
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E2M2TRK2.LMP: 00:22, Skill 4
Notes: Like E2M2TRIK, above, this is another "trick" for accessing the exit in
seconds, bypassing most of the level.
Here the player "jumps" to the exit door by Strafe-Running across a gap that's
normally crossed after activating a short bridge.
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LEVEL E2M3: REFINERY (2 demos)
E2M3SUIT.LMP: 00:18, Deathmatch, Skill 4, no monsters
Notes: Shows where to find a semi-hidden Radiation Suit in the northeast corner
of the map, where two rooms are connected by a short tunnel, and all the floors
are corrosive.
Notes on the making of this demo: I played in single-player Deathmatch mode to
allow me to start the game with all the keys, and near the blue-keyed door.
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E2M3SEC.LMP: 00:53, Skill 4, no monsters
Notes: Shows how to access all score-affecting Secret areas.
The first Secret shown (at about the :07 mark) is at one end of a small chamber
on the south side of the level, where a backpack can be found.  Note that in
some early console ports, such as Doom for the original PlayStation, a BFG 9000
is also located inside that chamber.
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LEVEL E2M4: DEIMOS LAB (5 demos)
E2M4EXIT.LMP: 00:51, Skill 4, no monsters
Notes: Shows how to access the exit.
Also shows the activation of a bridge that leads to a "Supercharge"/Soul Sphere
located across from the exit.
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E2M4ALL.LMP: 03:47, Skill 4, no monsters
Notes: Shows one path used to access all "official" Items and Secret areas.
Also shows how to access the exit.
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E2M4XBUG.LMP: 00:30, Deathmatch, Skill 3, no monsters
Notes: Shows how a fast-moving player might lose access to the Secret platform
near the exit, where a Soul Sphere ("Supercharge") is located.  Note that it's
often still possible to "bump-grab" the Soul Sphere; But to get credit for that
secret area the player must be able to step onto the platform.
To reach the platform, a player must activate a pair of slow-rising bridges.
The first bridge connects the far side of the lava pit to the exit door, and is
activated by a switch in a small booth located below and left of the exit door.
The second bridge connects the first bridge to the Secret platform, and is
activated when the player walks up to the exit door.
A potential problem is that the second bridge is programmed to rise to whatever
height that the first bridge was at when the second was activated.  This means
that if the first bridge had not yet reached its maximum height when the second
was activated, then the second bridge won't reach its own maximum height.  This
situation can make the Secret platform inaccessible.
(Typically a player activates the switch for the first bridge, then steps into
the teleporter next to it in order to escape the pit and eventually get back to
the exit door.  This procedure gives more than enough time for the first bridge
to finish rising before the second can be activated.)
Notes on the making of this demo: I played in single-player Deathmatch mode to
allow me to start closer to the exit, and with the keys already acquired.
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E2M4TRAP.LMP: 00:23, Deathmatch, Skill 4, no monsters
Notes: Shows how a player could become inadvertently trapped by activating the
yellow-keyed door from the east.
If this door is initially opened from the west side, it can remain open on its
own indefinitely.  However it can also be opened or closed (with or without a
key) from the east.
If that happens, the door will not remain open on its own, and closes after a
short delay.  Once closed again, it can no longer be opened from the west side.
Notes on the making of this demo: I played in single-player Deathmatch mode to
allow me to start the game around the corner from the yellow-keyed door.
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E2M4STUK.LMP: 00:33, Deathmatch, Skill 3, no monsters
Notes: Shows how a player can be trapped or killed by a hidden crusher in the
northeast corner of the map.
This crusher is in the form of a rectangular block that is partly recessed into
the floor at the north end of a small chamber.  When a player steps across a
nearby floor trigger (or "tripwire") the block rises up to form a barrier that
seals off the chamber in that direction.
Once activated, the block will rise at a medium speed, providing a moment for
the player to move off.  Remaining upon the block can kill a player with
low-enough health/armor, or can permanently trap a player who survives the
crushing action.
Notes on the making of this demo: I played in single-player Deathmatch mode to
allow me to start the game with the keys already in my possession.
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E2M5SEC.LMP: 01:28, Skill 4, no monsters
Notes: Shows how to find all "official" (score-affecting) Secrets.
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E2M6RED.LMP: 00:35, Skill 4, no monsters
Notes: Shows how to access the red key.
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E2M6SEC.LMP: 01:14, Skill 4, no monsters
Notes: Shows how/where to access all score-affecting Secret areas.
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E2M7SEC.LMP: 02:15, Skill 4, no monsters
Notes: Shows one path to reach all score-affecting Secret areas.  Also shows
how to reach all keys and the exit.
Notes on the making of this demo: The Invulnerability Sphere, shown at around
the 1:22 mark, is entirely optional.  It's used here for protection from the
damaging floor between Secrets 2 and 3, and it also provides illumination in
the dark section of the map where Secrets 4 and 5 are found.
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E2M8WIN1.LMP: 00:53, Skill 4
Notes: Shows a common technique for beating this level at Ultra-Violence skill.
An alternate method is shown below.
(For more information on techniques for beating this level, click here.)
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E2M8WIN2.LMP: 02:09, Skill 4
Notes: Shows an alternate technique for beating this level.  (A more common way
is demonstrated above.)
(For more information on techniques for beating this level, click here.)
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E2M9WIN.LMP: 01:23, Skill 4
Notes: Ultra-Violence combat demo with maximum Kills, Items and Secrets.
Notes on the making of this demo: Here I take some time to get the monsters to
fight among themselves.  It saves ammo, and helps distract their attention away
from the player.
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D1SECX2.LMP: 00:30, Skill 4, no monsters
Notes: Reveals where and how to access the exit which leads to the secret level
in Episode 2.
(While the demo is running you can press the Tab key to see the current level's
number and name on the Automap screen.)
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E3M1SEC.LMP: 00:25, Skill 4, no monsters
Notes: Shows how to access all "official" (score-affecting) Secrets.
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E3M2TRAP.LMP: 00:14, Skill 4, no monsters
Notes: Demonstrates how a player can inadvertently become trapped in one of the
curving tunnels on this level.
This tunnel's only opening is to the south, and part way up the tunnel is a
floor trigger (or "tripwire") which causes a wall to drop down at the opening,
sealing it shut.
At the north end of the tunnel is a switch that is normally used to raise that
wall after it has dropped all the way to the ground.  That switch can only be
activated once, but can be activated at any time.
A problem here is that the switch will only affect the wall if the wall has
reached the ground.  If the one-time switch is used before the wall touches the
ground, then the wall cannot be raised.
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E3M2SEC.LMP: 00:44, Skill 4, no monsters
Notes: Shows how to access all keys, all score-affecting secret areas, and the
exit.  Note that only the score-affecting sections of the map are visited here;
any other hidden areas are not shown.
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E3M2GUYS.LMP: 00:10, Skill 4, no monsters
Notes: Shows how to lower the floors in the row of booths that are occupied by
Shotgun Guys (Sergeants).  This will release them if they are alive, or allow
access to their shotguns if they were killed while trapped.  (Each booth also
contains an Armor Bonus, and the far-left booth has an energy cell.)
In front of the row of booths is a narrow 3-sided pillar that stretches from
floor to ceiling.  Shoot the back wall of any booth with a bullet or pellet,
and the pillar will rise up to reveal a red triangle on the ground.  Step onto
the triangle to lower the booth floors.
Note that if you're low on ammo, it is possible (though somewhat tricky) to Run
from the ground just outside the tunnel onto the raised floor of the left-most
booth, then simply punch the back wall to raise the nearby pillar.
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E3M3SEC.LMP: 00:40, Skill 4, no monsters
Notes: Shows one path to access all "official" (score-affecting) Secrets.
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E3M3BFG.LMP: 00:22, Skill 4, no monsters
Notes: Shows where to find a BFG 9000 on this level.  This is the first place
in a single-player game where the weapon can be found.  It's located in an area
with a corrosive floor, so in this demo the player takes an optional detour to
pick up an Invulnerability Sphere first.
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E3M4SWCH.LMP: 00:42, Skill 4, no monsters
Notes: Demonstrates the function of the 3 switches near the pair of crushing
"pestles", and how to open the doors in the northeast quadrant of the map.
The trick to the twin crushers: Avoid walking close to them before you get to
the switches.  Walk to the switches along a straight path that runs between
those barrels near the crushers; Or, hug the wall as you walk along the outer
edge of the room to get to the switches.
And the switch-cluster columns in the northeast quadrant: The switches on the
south face of each column will open the nearby (southern-most) doors; and the
west-face switches open the far/northern doors.  (Each remaining switch closes
one of the doors if it's currently open.)
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E3M4SEC.LMP: 01:27, Skill 4, no monsters
Notes: Shows how to access all keys, all score-affecting secret areas, and the
exit.  Note that only the score-affecting sections of the map are visited here;
any other hidden areas are not shown.
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E3M5KEYS.LMP: 00:39, Skill 4, no monsters
Notes: Shows how to access the yellow key and blue key.
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E3M5YSEC.LMP: 00:12, Skill 4, no monsters
Notes: Shows where to find a hidden door that is unlocked with the yellow key.
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E3M5BOXS.LMP: 00:59, Skill 4, no monsters
Notes: Shows how to open the four structures ("boxes") that surround a teleport
pad in the center of the level's main courtyard.
In this demo the northern-most box is opened first, then the rest are opened in
clockwise order.
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E3M5SEC.LMP: 01:57, Skill 4, no monsters
Notes: Shows one path to access all keys, all "official" (score-affecting)
Secrets and the exit.
There are four large structures (or "boxes") that surround a teleport pad in
the center of the level's main courtyard.  The southern-most box contains the
yellow key, and it's picked up here at about the 45-second mark.  This key is
used for opening the small hidden chamber at the east edge of the courtyard,
where a Soul Sphere and a chain saw are found.
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LEVEL E3M6: MT. EREBUS (5 demos)
E3M6BLUE.LMP: 00:26, Skill 4, no monsters
Notes: Shows how to access the blue key when playing at Skill level 3, 4 or 5.
(At Skill 1 or 2, it's located in front of the door of the large, rectangular,
diagonally-oriented building in the middle of the map.)
Warning: The chain saw platform on this level is a Secret-flagged area, and it
will rise out of reach when you jump into the red box to its left/southeast.
To get the weapon, and the credit for that Secret, jump (Run) to that platform
before jumping into the red box.
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E3M6SAW.LMP: 00:17, Skill 4, no monsters
Notes: Shows how to reach the chain saw on the tall pillar.
The trick is to jump (Run) to the saw before jumping into the box next to it,
with the teleporter inside.  (If you jump into that box first, the pillar that
is holding the saw will rise up, putting the weapon permanently out of reach.)
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E3M6EXIT.LMP: 00:14, Deathmatch, Skill 4, no monsters
Notes: Shows where to find the exit (requiring a blue key to open) on this map.
Notes on the making of this demo: I played in single-player Deathmatch mode to
allow me to start the game with the blue key already in my possession.
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E3M6BOX.LMP: 00:15, Skill 4, no monsters
Notes: Shows one method for gaining access to the large blue box at the north
end of the map.
This method involves "strafe running": using a simultaneous combination of
Run-forward and Strafe-sideways.  This yields a speed that's slightly faster
than plain running, but moves the player at an odd angle.
With strafe-running you can jump into the blue box directly from the nearby
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E3M6SEC.LMP: 00:28, Skill 4, no monsters
Notes: Shows how to access all "official" (score-affecting) Secrets.
Warning: The chain saw platform (third Secret in this demo), will rise out of
reach if you first jump into the red box to its left/southeast.  To get the
chain saw, and the credit for that Secret, jump (Run) to that platform first.
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E3M7ALL.LMP: 01:30, Skill 4, no monsters
Notes: Shows one path for navigating all those annoying teleporter booths to
access all 3 keys and get to the exit.
An alternate, somewhat faster route is demonstrated below.
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E3M7ALT.LMP: 01:12, Skill 4, no monsters
Notes: Like E3M7ALL.LMP, above; but this demo shows that you can use "strafe
running" (using a simultaneous combination of Run-forward plus Strafe-sideways)
to cross some gaps, instead of using bridges.  This can allow you to bypass the
teleporter booths that lead to the switches that activate the bridges, and thus
get through the level a bit faster.
Notes on the making of this demo: From the ledge where I acquire the yellow
key, you can also jump north/northwest to get to the plasma rifle and another
teleporter pad.
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E3M7SEC.LMP: 01:27, Skill 4, no monsters
Notes: Shows one path to access all "official" (score-affecting) Secrets.
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E3M8WIN.LMP: 01:53, Skill 4
Notes: Shows common techniques for beating this level at Ultra-Violence skill.
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LEVEL E3M9: WARRENS (4 demos)
E3M9EXIT.LMP: 00:56, Skill 4, no monsters
Notes: Shows how to acquire both keys and access the exit.
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E3M9STUK.LMP: 00:49, Skill 4, no monsters
Notes: Shows two areas on the level where certain actions may cause a player to
become inadvertently trapped and unable to reach the exit.
The first area is at the first door near the player's starting point... It is
possible to start the door closing from its outer/south side, then step north
inside the building before it completely closes.  A player on the north side of
that closed door will be unable to open it, making the exit inaccessible.
The second area is at the blue-keyed door on the west side of the level.  This
door can be opened at any time from its south side, but requires a blue key to
be opened from its north side.  Once opened from the north it will remain open,
unless it is activated again from its south side.  If this happens, the door
will close after a short delay, and a player on the north side of that closed
door cannot open it again, halting progress toward the exit.
In PC Doom games a "walk through walls" cheat code can be temporarily activated
to bypass unresponsive doors.  For more information, see the DoomCode document.
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E3M9SEC.LMP: 00:25, Skill 4, no monsters
Notes: Shows how to access all "official" (score-affecting) Secrets.
Only the score-affecting sections of the map are visited here; any other hidden
areas are not shown.
Note that when playing at Skill 3 ("Hurt Me Plenty") or lower, there will also
be a rocket launcher in the secret area seen here.  This weapon is missing when
playing at higher Skill levels.
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E3M9BFG.LMP: 00:55, Skill 4, no monsters
Notes: Shows how to access a hidden, but non-Secret, BFG 9000 on this level.
The weapon is behind a barrier on the west edge of the map, and the barrier is
removed by crossing a distant floor trigger.
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D1SECX3.LMP: 00:35, Skill 4, no monsters
Notes: Reveals where and how to access the exit which leads to the secret level
in Episode 3.
(While the demo is running you can press the Tab key to see the current level's
number and name on the Automap screen.)
Notes on the making of this demo: Three different methods for accessing the
secret exit are demonstrated here.
The first method involves an Invulnerability Artifact and a rocket launcher.
(This was the "official" method to access the exit before the speed benefits of
"strafe running" became widely known.)  Note that on Skill levels 2 through 5,
the rocket's explosion alone will be enough; but on Skill level 1, you'll also
need to run backwards while the rocket is detonating.
The second method involves using a simultaneous combination of Run-forward plus
Strafe-sideways.  This "strafe running" maneuver yields a speed that's slightly
faster than plain running, but moves the player at an odd angle.
The third method (or "trick") here involves activating a switch from one of its
edges; an esoteric technique used by some Doom veterans.
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E4M1ALL.LMP: 00:49, Skill 4, no monsters
Notes: Shows how to access both of the "official" (score-affecting) Secret
areas and one other hidden doorway in the southwest corner of the map.  Also
shows how to achieve a 100% Items score.
On the east side of the map is a room where one of the two "official" Secrets
is located.  The actual "secret" area here is the top of a large rectangular
block, which sinks into the floor to reveal a "NIN" logo.
The easiest way to get credit for discovering that Secret is to step across the
block before it sinks all the way into the floor; Otherwise, the raised "NIN"
letters that remain will tend to get in the way, making it difficult to touch
the top of the block... and if you don't make contact (the player character's
vertical axis must touch down on the surface), you don't get credit.
(If that block has already lowered, then try stepping down onto the triangular
floor spaces within the raised "N" characters of the design.)
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E4M1WIN.LMP: 04:07, Skill 4
Notes: Shows a sample 100%-Kills victory at Ultra-Violence Skill.
Although it's not easy to do, it is possible to get through this level without
a scratch, and leave with health, armor, and ammo to spare.
Some useful tactics: 1) Let the Shotgun Guys teleport out into the open areas
before killing them, so that you can pick up their weapons; 2) Let monsters
fight against each other when possible; 3) When you pick up the blue key, or
when you Activate the torch-switch (to reveal the "NIN" design), Run out of the
room to avoid being trapped in there; 4) To get maximum yield from the rockets,
fire them at clusters of monsters instead of individuals.  This is especially
important when using rockets against multiple Barons; 5) To get credit for
finding the "NIN" secret, step across the top of the block that surrounds the
design before it sinks all the way into the floor; Or, if that block is already
lowered, then try stepping down onto the triangular floor spaces within the "N"
characters of the design.
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E4M1SWCH.LMP: 00:15, Deathmatch, Skill 4, no monsters
Notes: Illustrates the function of a switch located a few paces south of the
red-keyed door.  (This switch is an exterior counterpart to another switch,
located along one interior wall of a box-like barrier.)
Notes on the making of this demo: I played in single-player Deathmatch mode to
allow me to start the game with the red key already in my possession.
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E4M2KEYS.LMP: 00:40, Skill 4, no monsters
Notes: Shows how to access both of the keys on this map.
Notes on the making of this demo: I step into the small triangular area of lava
(just to the south and below the yellow-key area, near the switch that's under
the raised doorway) to open the stairway that leads north out of the room.
You can get to the yellow key by raising the walkway that runs along the
perimeter of the room.  If you move fast enough, you can get on the walkway
just after activating the switch.  (If you don't to get to the rising walkway
in time, you can run up the stairs to the north, and head for the teleporter
there, which sends you back to the level's starting point.)
Note that once the walkway is in place, it's possible to run and jump to the
yellow-key area from the eastern part of the walkway.  (To open the yellow-key
chamber, you'll still need to step across the floor trigger, which is near the
left-hand torch.)
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E4M2ROOM.LMP: 00:13, Skill 4, no monsters
Notes: Shows how to access the small, irregular room that can be seen through
an elevated window in the northwest corner of the map.  This room contains some
useful items.
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E4M2TRIK.LMP: 00:17, Skill 4, no monsters
Notes: Demonstrates a "trick" that can be used to bypass the blue-keyed barrier
column, allowing a player to exit the level without picking up any keys.
This involves "strafe running": using a simultaneous combination of Run-forward
plus Strafe-sideways, which yields a speed that's slightly faster than plain
running, but moves the player at an odd angle.
With strafe-running you can jump past the blue column to the stairway beyond.
During actual play it's easy to miss the jump and fall to the lava below.  It's
recommended that you save your game first before attempting the jump.
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E4M2BFGX.LMP: 00:33, Deathmatch, Skill 4, no monsters
Notes: Shows where to find a BFG 9000 on this level, and then shows an exploit
for getting the weapon earlier than intended, by grabbing it through the back
side of the wall that it sits against.
This is fairly easy to do in the original retail PC edition of Ultimate Doom,
if the player character is moving fast enough at the correct angle.  It is also
possible, though often more difficult, to do this in some other versions of the
game, such as the July 2019 console ports for PS4 and Xbox One.
Notes on the making of this demo: I played in single-player Deathmatch mode to
allow me to start the game with all the keys, which made it easier to quickly
show the weapon's location.
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E4M2SWCH.LMP: 00:32, Skill 4, no monsters
Notes: Shows the location and function of a hidden (but non-Secret) switch.
Activating it causes a wide section of flooring to rise up between the elevated
platforms in the lava-floored room to the northeast, basically connecting them
together as a single large platform.
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E4M3SEC.LMP: 00:24, Skill 4, no monsters
Notes: Shows how to find all accessible "official" (score-affecting) Secrets.
On this map there are 22 places flagged as Secret areas, and almost all of them
are simply arrayed along the steps of a single hidden stairway.
Near that stairway are two small triangles of floorspace that are flagged as
Secret, and are also occupied by torches.  Unfortunately the torches prevent
the player from stepping into the spaces they occupy.  As such, a SECRET score
below 100% is normal for this level.
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E4M3SWCH.LMP: 00:23, Skill 4, no monsters
Notes: Demonstrates the purpose of a seemingly-nonfunctional switch, located on
the south wall of a small octagonal room in the southwest corner of the map.
Near that switch, between the 2 torches on the east side of the room, is a
rectangular block that can be raised up out of the floor, almost to ceiling
height.  This block acts as a crushing floor, and as a barrier that separates
the octagonal room from most of the rest of the level.
To raise the barrier-block, a player must stand on top, within its perimeter,
and then Activate the interior side of its western edge like a switch.  (This
can be done in the airspace above the west edge of the block.)
Once activated, the block will rise at a medium speed, providing a moment for
the player to move off.  Remaining upon the block can kill a player with
low-enough health/armor, or can permanently trap a player who survives the
crushing action (see the demo E4M3STUK.LMP for an example).
The switch on the south wall of the room causes the raised barrier-block to
lower again.
The block was likely meant to be activated by a floor trigger ("tripwire"), not
an integral switch.  The block's existing design means that most players will
never see or trigger it during the course of normal gameplay, and subsequently
the wall switch that controls its descent appears to serve no known function.
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E4M4SK12.LMP: 01:28, Skill 2
Notes: Shows how to get 100% Kills on this map when playing at low Skills.
(At Skills 1 and 2 a pair of chambers near the exit do not open when they're
supposed to, and the monsters trapped inside may seem to be unreachable...)
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E4M4SEC.LMP: 00:55, Skill 4, no monsters
Notes: Shows how to access the two "official" secret rooms, and shows how to
open the exit chamber.
One of those rooms can also be accessed through a hidden teleporter, which is
demonstrated below...
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E4M4OTHR.LMP: 00:58, Skill 4, no monsters
Notes: Shows how to gain access to a couple of areas that might be overlooked
and/or may seem inaccessible.  None of these areas are considered "secret" by
the game, and so do not count towards a player's SECRET score.  (The "official"
secret rooms are revealed in E4M4SEC.LMP, above.)
The first area is a spot down in a small lava stream, where a Blur Artifact can
be found.
On the eastern end of the map is a chamber with a matrix of pedestals arrayed
along a corrosive floor.  In this chamber there is a raised shelf-like area in
one wall, and a hidden teleporter in the opposite wall.  Methods for accessing
both areas are shown.
Note that the switch for revealing the teleporter is buried inside the northern
end of one of the pedestals.  This switch can be activated from up on top of
the pedestal, or from the east or west side of the pedestal, once the player
character is positioned and oriented correctly.
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E4M5SEC.LMP: 00:56, Skill 4, no monsters
Notes: Shows how to access all keys, all "official" (score-affecting) Secrets,
and the exit.
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E4M5SKIP.LMP: 00:29, Skill 4, no monsters
Notes: Demonstrates a shorter path to the exit, skipping 2 of the 3 keys.
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E4M6KEYS.LMP: 01:11, Skill 4, no monsters
Notes: Shows how to access all 3 keys.
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E4M6HOLE.LMP: 00:22, Skill 4, no monsters
Notes: Shows an example of jumping into the raised hole at the southwest corner
of the large, central slime pool.  This hole is one end of a short tunnel that
leads to a small outdoor area.  (A separate tunnel a little farther to the west
also leads there from a higher location.)
One way to make the jump: After teleporting to the ledge, switch to the Automap
view, and walk forward until the player arrow touches the short vertical line
crossing the ledge.  Switch back to normal view and turn right slightly, to aim
just to the left of the center of the hole, then Run forward until you've made
the jump.  (If you miss, turn right and head for the 4-way teleporter/pillar in
the slime, and try again.)
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E4M6SEC.LMP: 00:29, Skill 4, no monsters
Notes: Shows how to access all "official" (score-affecting) Secrets.
The first Secret area shown is just behind a false wall in the outdoor section
on the west side of the map.  The second area is part of a tunnel leading to a
panel that opens to an outside lava pool.  The third area is a narrow strip of
floorspace beneath a wall panel that opens to reveal a small chamber containing
a Blur Artifact, and a lift that leads back to the west side of the map.
Stepping into all 3 areas will give the player a 100% Secrets-found score.
Side note: As shown here, it is possible to reach the first secret area without
getting burned in the lava moat, but it takes luck and speed.  When playing at
Skill 3 ("Hurt Me Plenty") or lower, there's an additional Rad Suit down in the
lava on the west side of the moat (just below the blue key), and you can simply
step off the ground there to drop onto it.
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E4M7EXIT.LMP: 00:37, Skill 4, no monsters
Notes: Shows how to access the exit.
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E4M7SEC.LMP: 01:19, Skill 4, no monsters
Notes: Shows how to find all accessible "official" (score-affecting) Secrets.
Also shows how to reach all keys and the exit.
Note that there are a total of 4 Secret-flagged areas on this level, but during
a typical game a player won't be able to step into 2 of them: A small elevated
compartment behind a wall panel, and a narrow strip of floor under that panel.
Because of this, a maximum SECRET score of 50% is normal for this level.
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E4M8SEC.LMP: 00:12, Skill 4, no monsters
Notes: Shows how to access all "official" (score-affecting) Secrets.
Only the score-affecting location is shown here.  Other hidden but non-Secret
areas on this map are covered in the demo E4M8MISS, below.
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E4M8MISS.LMP: 00:55, Skill 4, no monsters
Notes: Shows where to find a few hidden but non-Secret areas that might get
overlooked during a typical game, including a chamber holding a BFG 9000 and
some cell ammo.
(The demo E4M8SEC, above, shows where to find the only score-affecting Secret
area on this map.)
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E4M9SEC.LMP: 00:29, Skill 4, no monsters
Notes: Shows a path to access all keys, all "official" (score-affecting) secret
areas, and the exit.
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UDSECX4.LMP: 00:45, Skill 4, no monsters
Notes: Reveals where and how to access the exit which leads to the secret level
in Episode 4.
(While the demo is running you can press the Tab key to see the current level's
number and name on the Automap screen.)
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